Friday, March 1, 2024:
Warren Goldberg, President of Mortgage Wealth Advisors, was interviewed by Long Island Newsday for an article about helpful tips for buying or selling a home.
Excerpt from the Article:
“From a mortgage standpoint, it is critical that any and every buyer get prequalified or preapproved, before they start looking for a house,” said Certified Mortgage Planning Specialist Warren Goldberg. “Not after they’ve found the house, but before they even start looking.”
Goldberg, president and founder of Mortgage Wealth Advisors Inc., warns against estimating a realistic price range. Waiting too long to apply for a mortgage can delay and complicate the homebuying process, he said.
“They may find that they’re not qualified for what they think they could afford; they may be qualified for more than what they think they can afford,” he said.
Additionally, Goldberg often encounters prospective buyers with “complicated” finances. When a client is working with various bank accounts and frequent money transfers from one account to another, tracing money moves becomes complex and requires more paperwork.
“Many times I’ll tell people, ‘Have one bank account where all your money is going that you plan to use for the house,’ ” Goldberg said. “If there’s enough in that account, and it’s relatively stable, that’s the only asset I have to show.”
A buyer or seller can also expedite the process by proactively answering questions a team of real estate professionals will ask them.
Thursday, February 1st, 2024:
Warren Goldberg, President of Mortgage Wealth Advisors, was a guest on Evantz Saint-Gerard’s Real Estate Show. Warren and Evantz discussed common challenges self-employed individuals face when seeking mortgages. The discussion addresses how banks often misinterpret tax returns and cash flow statements of self-employed borrowers, leading to unnecessary mortgage denials.
Wednesday, January 31, 2024:
Warren Goldberg, President of Mortgage Wealth Advisors, was a guest on Evantz Saint-Gerard’s Real Estate Show. Warren and Evantz discussed the often-overlooked mortgage qualification aspects post-divorce. The discussion covers what you need to do to get a home loan after you separate from your spouse, emphasizing the importance of early preparation.
Friday October 1, 2021:
Warren Goldberg, President of Mortgage Wealth Advisors, was a guest speaker on this episode of the Gefner Kersch Attorneys at Law show. Warren was invited to discuss how a divorce can effect one’s mortgage qualifications. Whether you are the husband or wife, income earner or the spouse to receive support, you’ll want to listen to this interview!
Saturday May 26th, 2021:
Warren Goldberg, President of Mortgage Wealth Advisors, was recently interviewed on the Mitlin Money Mindset™ Podcast.
Topics of discussion included: How did Mortgage Wealth Advisors, Inc. come to be? [2:04] What is a Certified Mortgage Planning Specialist® and why is that important? [4:17] What are the benefits of somebody using a mortgage advisor vs big banks [6:24] Steps that first time home buyers should take before looking to buy a home [12:14] Important factors to consider when looking at a mortgage [16:20] The mindset & driving factors when it comes to the length of a mortgage [19:23] Rates are at all-time lows, what does this mean to a buyer? [24:19] What Warren did today that put him in the right mindset for success? [28:10]
Sunday January 17, 2021:
Warren Goldberg, President of Mortgage Wealth Advisors, was recently interviewed on the LifeBlood Podcast. They talked about how mortgage loans have evolved over time, how best to approach the home buying process and how much money to put down for a down payment.
Monday November 2, 2020:
The Michael Magro Foundation, a Hicksville-based charity working to help families with a child battling cancer and other catastrophic illness, recently held a Golf fundraiser and Mortgage Wealth Advisors was proud to be a sponsor.
Golfing During COVID-19 For Children With Cancer
Click here to read the article.
Thursday October 22, 2020:
Warren Goldberg, President of Mortgage Wealth Advisors, recently interviewed with Roy Gilbert, Private Wealth Advisor at Family Wealth Decisions Group.
10 Valuable Minutes – An Interview with Warren Goldberg
Friday June 19, 2020:
Warren Goldberg, President of Mortgage Wealth Advisors, was quoted in a NextAdvisor article discussing Mortgage Forbearance.
Know Your Rights When It Comes to Mortgage Forbearance
Click here to read the article.
Thursday June 18, 2020:
Warren Goldberg, President of Mortgage Wealth Advisors, was quoted in a NextAdvisor article discussing the Preapproval Process.
The 3 Questions to Ask Your Lender During the Preapproval Process
Click here to read the article.
Thursday April 16, 2020:
Warren Goldberg, President of Mortgage Wealth Advisors, was quoted in a Long Island Newsday article discussing the Mortgage Relief Forbearance Program being offered due to the coronavirus pandemic.
Mortgage forbearance? Lump-sum bill could come due before crisis ends
Click here to read the article.
Thursday March 19, 2020:
Warren Goldberg, President of Mortgage Wealth Advisors, was quoted in a Long Island Newsday article discussing the unprecedented volume of refinances hitting the mortgage industry.
Homeowners in a ‘frenzy’ to refinance, lenders say
Click here to read the article.
Monday, January 6, 2020:
Warren Goldberg, President of Mortgage Wealth Advisors, was a guest on Be The Boss of Your Money, hosted by Mitch Goldberg, President and CEO of ClientFirst Strategy, Inc., a boutique wealth management company on Long Island.
Warren and Mitch discussed common myths and mistakes regarding the mortgage process as well as using a mortgage as a financial tool.
Wednesday, December 5, 2018:
Warren Goldberg, President of Mortgage Wealth Advisors, was a guest on the Andy Rosner Show, where he discussed the mortgage industry, common misconceptions on obtaining a mortgage, and how to avoid landmines and obstacles commonly experienced when people apply for a mortgage.

Monday, April 9, 2018:
Warren Goldberg, President of Mortgage Wealth Advisors, was quoted in a Long Island Newsday article explaining that borrowers who are self-employed should take extra steps to prepare before buying a home.
Have A Game Plan If Self Employed.
Click here to read the article.
Monday, September 25, 2017:
Warren Goldberg, President of Mortgage Wealth Advisors, was quoted in a Long Island Newsday article explaining why it’s often better to work with a small company rather than working with the “Big Banks” or even with YOUR Bank!
Big Bank Could Mean Higher Rate
Click here to read the article.
Monday, August 7, 2017:
Warren Goldberg, President of Mortgage Wealth Advisors, was quoted in a Long Island Newsday article discussing events and circumstances that may require you updating your homeowner’s insurance.
Having Policy Up To Date Is Your Best Insurance
Click here to read the article.
Sunday, March 26, 2017:
Warren Goldberg, President of Mortgage Wealth Advisors, was quoted in a Long Island Newsday article that discussed why it may NOT make sense to pay off your mortgage quickly.
Paying Off Your Mortgage Early Might Not Make Sense
Click here to read the article.
Monday, March 6, 2017:
Warren Goldberg, President of Mortgage Wealth Advisors, was quoted in a Long Island Newsday article that discussed common myths borrowers have about the mortgage process.
The Issue: Mortgages – Don’t Fall for These Common Myths
Click here to read the article.
Monday November 14, 2016:
Inspired by a recent article written by Warren Goldberg, CMPS® and President of Mortgage Wealth Advisors, Newsday’s Sheryl Nance-Nash interviewed Warren Goldberg and quoted him in the article she wrote. The article which discussed ways to avoid being rejected for a mortgage, was published in Newsday on November 14, 2016.
The Issue: Rejected for Mortgage – Prepare Ahead for Round Two
Click here to read the article.
Friday, May 13, 2016:
Michael Fliegelman, CLU, ChFC, AEP, RFC, Founder & President of Strategic Wealth Advisors Network, interviewed Warren Goldberg, CMPS® and President of Mortgage Wealth Advisors about Reverse Mortgages, their pros and cons, and the many misconceptions that still surround Reverse Mortgages.
Reverse Mortgages – An Interview with Warren Goldberg
Click here to read the article.
Wednesday, March 23, 2016:
The Anton Media Group family of newspapers published an article written by Warren Goldberg, President of Mortgage Wealth Advisors. The article discusses the unintended consequences of the Dodd-Frank Financial Reform Laws and how they are harming small businesses and consumers alike!
Dodd-Frank Laws Are Failing America.
Click here to read the article.
Tuesday, July 20, 2015:
Warren Goldberg, President of Mortgage Wealth Advisors, was quoted in a Long Island Newsday article that discussed how to avoid issues obtaining a mortgage.
The Issue: Mortgages – Avoiding Obstacles to Getting Approved.
Click here to read the article.
Sunday, July 17, 2011:
Warren Goldberg was quoted as an industry expert in Long Island Newsday’s article which discussed the potential consequences of the United States defaulting on it’s debt.
Lot’s of Pain if Debt Ceiling Isn’t Raised.
Click here to read the article.
Friday, September 10, 2010:
Long Island Newsday’s Ellen Yan interviewed Warren Goldberg for an article about how closing costs in New York State differ from closing costs in other areas of the United States.
Want to Refinance? Beware of Those Closing Costs!
Click here to read the interview.
September 2, 2010:
Long Island Newsday’s Ellen Yan quoted Warren Goldberg for an article about how Long Islanders were refinancing taking advantage of record-low interest rates.
As Mortgage Rates Drop, Refinancing Rises.
Click here to read the article.
April 2, 2010:
Mike Barry from the Anton News interviewed Warren Goldberg about the subject of personal finance and reviewed his book, The More I Make, The More My Wife Spends! The Couple’s Guide To Obtaining Financial Freedom AND A Happy Marriage.
Financial Harmony.
Click here to read the review.
September 10, 2009:
Blog Talk Radio host, Darlene London Johnson, interviewed Warren Goldberg about the mistakes people make with their mortgages and what financial choices to make when you lose, then start a new job.
Money, Money, Money, Money, Moonneeyyyy!
Click here to listen to the interview.