Financial Education is not taught in schools. If you’re lucky, sound Financial Literacy was taught at home by your parents. Unfortunately, many people have picked up poor financial habits along the way.
Don’t be fooled by those people driving luxury cars, wearing Gucci and Rolex, and boasting about their luxury vacations. I’m shocked by how many of them have virtually no money in the bank and are living on credit!
As a Mortgage Specialist, I see behind the curtain. I’m privy to all of a borrower’s financial details, including income, assets, credit, debt, and spending habits. Some borrowers display excellent financial habits! They’re living within their means and saving significantly for future goals. However, others practice such poor financial habits that they’re one missed paycheck away from disaster!
I was so disturbed by how many people were driving full speed towards that financial cliff, that many years ago I wrote and published a book to help people establish a sound financial foundation.
The financial road less traveled is not an easy one. Life is not fair and will throw obstacles in your way. (Oh boy, can I talk to you about that!) However, one of my favorite quotes, attributable to Jim Rhone, has kept me moving down the right financial road: “Discipline Weighs Ounces. Regret weighs Tons.”
Do you have a story to share? Might you need help getting onto the right financial track? Or perhaps you would simply like a copy of my book! I encourage you to contact me.
Warren Goldberg is President of Mortgage Wealth Advisors, a Certified Mortgage Planning Specialist®, and a published author. His interviews include Blog-Talk Radio, Newsday, The Daily News, Anton Press, and the Long Island Herald. Since 1992, he’s been sharing his financial knowledge and wealth-building strategies, including how to properly use your mortgage as a financial tool. His clients regularly express their trust and appreciation by recommending friends and family call when in need of mortgage, real estate, and financial guidance.
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